アメリカの家族を訪ねて *Had such a wonderful holiday with my family in the US*



結論 1:成田から、ダラスまでのフライトは、本当にきつかった。(ダラスから、フロリダのジャクソンビル空港の便へ乗り換えました)

結論 2:アメリカの家族と一つ屋根の下で過ごした休日は、素晴らしかったです^^





My husband, our daughters and I were visiting our family in the US for a Christmas holiday. It was such a wonderful 3 weeks. It was definitely one of my best Christmas holiday.

So everyone in my family knows I was nervous about this trip before I left Japan. I was thinking these,.. 'Staying 3 weeks in my mother-in-law's place!? I'd feel sorry for staying that long... I'd feel so uncomfortable...' 'It must be tough flying with my baby girl...'

Here's the bottom line,.. Yes, IT WAS SO TOUGH FLYING WITH MY BABY GIRL... her diapers issue, foods issue,.. and especially when she got really cranky...I DO NOT WANT TO REMEMBER ABOUT THEM. LOL... BUT spending time with our family in FL was wonderful and memorable times. My concerns staying at the mother's place turned out to be groundless

However, there were some stuff I was uncomfortable about. 'Opening refrigerator and pantries for eating foods without asking the mother' 'Taking a shower anytime when I want',.. they were totally new for me. In Japan, when you are staying other family's house, you wouldn't do that since they are rude/too bad manner. So I always felt so guilty about that in her house at the beginning. I eventually felt so comfortable in her house, though. I felt at home and truly enjoyed spending time with my family talking a lot of things, going out nice places, enjoying family photo albums, having many private conversation with the mother(mostly talking about her son/my husband :P) etc. I'm planning to write here more details, but now I should check on my baby girl who is in her crib. So, until next time =).